Professor Inauguration, Evidence of the University of Riau's Commitment to Improve Education Quality “Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Permenristekdikti) Number 20 of 2017, where educators in the positions of Head Lecturer and Professor are mandated to carry out scientific publications at national and international levels. If we look closely, the Ministerial Regulation is set to increase the number of publications in international and reputable international journals to encourage Indonesia to be able to compete with other nations, as well as to gain international recognition for the scientific publications of Indonesian scientists”.

This statement was conveyed by the Rector of the University of Riau (UR) when giving a speech at the inauguration of Professors at the University of Riau. The professors are Prof. Dr Saktioto Ssi MPhill as Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), and Prof. Dr. Fadly Azhar Dipl MEd as Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UR.


Source: PR University of Riau


Source: PR University of Riau

The Chancellor of UR said that currently the number of Indonesian international publications is still far below that of developed countries, even under Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. For this reason, the issuance of Permenristekdikti Number 20 of 2017 will encourage lecturers who are already at the academic level of Head Lecturer and Professor to carry out their duties as professional educators and scientists by carrying out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education seriously.

"Permenristekdikti Number 20 of 2017 encourages those of us who are already Head Lecturers and Professors to actively and productively publish scientific publications in accredited national journals, so that this will increase the number of lecturer publications in accredited national journals, international journals, and reputable international journals," he added. .

Therefore, added the Chancellor, as the leader of the University of Riau, I conveyed that educators are "The Main Potential of the Nation". Therefore, it is expected to always hold fast to the main tasks and functions as educators. We are grateful that today there are two great teachers who have been inaugurated. The momentum of this inauguration is a manifestation and evidence of the large productivity of the existing educators at the University of Riau in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.


Source: PR University of Riau


Source: PR University of Riau

“This inauguration is not just a mere ceremonial event, but today is a symbol of the realization of the role and function of higher education in the sustainability of the nation's civilization. Because not all educators are able to hold the title of professor. Of course, this is not only closely related to the social and material aspects, but also the existence of high ideals to advance the nation, especially in the field of education," added Aras.

Riau University has been committed to maintaining the quality and quality of Riau University students in order to build the character of the nation's children. This commitment is realized through the number of professors at the University of Riau. Therefore, I, as the leader of the University of Riau, put the agenda for improving the quality and quality of educators in the strategic plan of the University of Riau.

"Since the last two years, namely 2016-2017, we have sent as many as five educators to continue their undergraduate education (S-2) and as many as 117 educators to continue their undergraduate or doctoral education levels. -3). In 2017, we have also sent as many as five educators to continue their undergraduate education (S-2) and as many as 121 educators to continue their undergraduate or doctoral (S-3) education levels," said the Professor of the Faculty of Fisheries. and Marine this adds.

At the Professor inauguration ceremony which was held on Thursday (14/12) in the IV floor of the UR Rectorate Building, Prof. Dr. Saktioto Ssi Mphill and Prof. Dr. Fadly Azhar Dipl Med, delivered their scientific speeches according to their respective fields. Through his scientific work, Prof. Dr Saktioto Ssi MPhill has published a Plasma Physics book for study material or to support Plasma Physics in lectures and other scientific knowledge.


Source: PR University of Riau


Source: PR University of Riau


Source: PR University of Riau

"A lot of events and natural phenomena of plasma are related to basic science, especially physics, containing photons, radiation, charged particles, atoms, and molecules (under conditions of heat or high energy). These components are the basis of the structure and reactions that make up matter and its changes. These material changes have always been in the interest of humans and industrial applications as well as the study of nature as a whole," he said.

Meanwhile, scientific work by Prof. Dr. Fadly Azhar Dipl Med, discussing the approach to learning English, it is time to focus on productive skills, namely speaking and writing within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community in Indonesia without neglecting grammar, pronunciation, and receptive skills , namely reading and listening . comprehensions. Thus, students will have an equivalent level of competence in language skills and language contents .

"In the learning process, teachers and lecturers need to apply authentic learning, namely learning that involves students in real situations and conditions or the real world , so that English can gradually but surely be developed from a foreign language to a second language . (second language),” explained Fadly. (believer. photo: rizki)***