Prof. Dr. Hj. Sri Indarti, S.E., M.Si (REKTOR UNRI)

Sambutan Rektorat Universitas Riau Prof. Dr. Hj. Sri Indarti, S.E., M.Si

I am very proud to briefly introduce Riau University to readers. UNRI Founded on October 1, 1962 in Pekanbaru, Riau University is the largest university in Indonesia and the best for several rankings. Since its inception, UNRI has been a place to learn for the younger generation who come from various regions in Indonesia with their respective local cultures and languages.

In line with its internationalization program, there are also more and more foreign students at UNRI. Apart from having dual-degree programs with some of the world's leading universities, we also accept foreign students who go through various programs for various activities. This makes the atmosphere of studying at UNRI feels both Indonesian and international.

UNRI has 10 faculties, with more than 100 departments. The level of majors at the University of Riau is divided into 5 levels, namely, Diploma, Bachelor, Profession, Margister and Doctor. For the Bachelor level itself, UNRI's study program is divided into 2 specializations, namely SAINTEK and SOSHUM. Although classified as having many parodies. However, UNRI still opens new study programs. Hopefully, it can help improve human resources, especially for the province of Riau itself.

Kenyamanan dan dukungan fasilitas di dalam kampus ini juga didukung oleh lingkungan kampus yang kondusif. Berlokasi di Pekanbaru yang merupakan kota pendidikan yang kaya peninggalan sejarah dan kaya akan warisan budaya, para mahasiswa serta peneliti dan dosen tamu juga akan memperoleh pengayaan pengetahuan dan pengalaman.