Government Encourages Universities to Develop “E-Learning” To evaluate the performance of the University of Riau (Unri) in 2017 in order to improve university governance, the Supervisory Board (Dewas) Unri provides support to Unri managers in the form of input on the use of e-learning which must be developed in the implementation of learning in university.

“Riau University has a good system, especially in the aspect of good governance . Therefore, there are several aspects that need attention to always be evaluated. Aspects that need attention are aspects of budgeting, transparency and accountability, optimization of fixed assets, strengthening of Dewas, remuneration and performance appraisal as well as optimization of Idle Cash .”

This was conveyed by the Unri Dewas, Prof. Ir Tian Belawati M Ed PhD when delivering material in front of the participants of the Unri Development Plan Deliberation (Musrenbang) in Batam City, 13-15 February 2018. In this session, the Council was given the opportunity to convey input from Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) that has been carried out at Unri.


Source: PR University of Riau

Furthermore, the UT Chancellor gave recommendations to Unri to implement and develop e-learning as a solution to advance education in the current technological era. “The government is currently actively promoting e-learning programs to universities in Indonesia. This is because technological advances require humans to make innovations in various lives with easy access," he said.

Universities Must Be Ready to Face the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Regarding " e-learning ", it was strengthened by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho SH MHum who was also a resource person at the Unri Murenbang. According to him, like it or not, like it or not, we are now entering globalization. Although globalization has positive and negative impacts, universities in Indonesia are currently required to be able to anticipate the increasingly rapid development of technology in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.


Source: PR University of Riau


Source: PR University of Riau

“The curriculum and educational methods must also adapt to the increasingly competitive industrial climate and keep pace with the development of technology and information. Changes that occur in the industrial revolution era certainly affect the character of the work so that the skills needed also change. So this is one of the positive impacts of globalization. For example, first handwriting, which then moved to typewriters, then old computers, which then finally moved to modern computers. If we don't follow things like this, then we will be left behind by others," said Jamal.

To deal with all of this, Jamal continued, the leadership of government agencies is obliged to create and maintain a control environment that creates positive behavior and is conducive to the implementation of the internal control system in their work environment. This implementation can be done by upholding integrity and ethical values, establishing an organizational structure that is in accordance with the needs, proper delegation of authority and responsibility, developing and implementing sound policies on human resource development, as well as realizing the role of the government's internal supervisory apparatus which is effective. (believer. photo: rizki)***