The Blood Circulation Streamer is Named SATASIMA

unri. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia that occurs due to defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both.

The prevalence of DM cases in the world is increasing every year, Indonesia is ranked the 6th highest prevalence in the world. This was conveyed by Yesi Hasneli N SKp MNS Lecturer of the Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Riau University (Unri) to the editor of unrinews, Saturday (28/10/2019).

As the prevalence of DM increases, DM complications such as the occurrence of microvascular complications, such as diabetic neuropathy , will increase.

In Indonesia, neuropathy ranks third highest due to complications of DM, if not treated quickly, infection can spread to the bone so it must be amputated.

“DM complications can be prevented with good DM control. One of his efforts is to do reflexology. Reflexology performed on the palms of the hands and feet of DM patients, especially in problematic organ areas, will provide stimulation to nerve points associated with the pancreas to become active so as to produce insulin through nerve points located on the soles of the feet and hands. Yesi explained.

Furthermore, Yesi, conveyed that there were many efforts that could be made to overcome the decrease in foot sensitivity in DM patients. However, it turns out that there are still few efforts for prevention due to decreased hand sensitivity in DM patients. Therefore, a new innovation was created in an effort to overcome the decrease in hand sensitivity, namely SATASIMA (Manual Reflection Gloves) .

 “The SATASIMA device consists of 1 pair of thick gloves for the outer layer and 1 pair of thin gloves for the inner layer, the selection of thick gloves is useful for warming the hands which will cause vasodilation of blood vessels so that blood flow reaches the periphery and creates a sense of comfort for the patient. diabetics who experience neuropathy such as coldness in the hands, “explained Yesi.

Furthermore, said Yesi, in addition to gloves, this tool uses 12 medium-sized marbles as acupressure media on the palms of the hands by pressing and sliding the marbles with another finger on each finger.

The placement of the marbles is all over the fingers and in the middle of the palm right at the point of the pancreas, the marbles are placed between the thin gloves and thick gloves so that the marbles are in the right position on each finger, "Thin gloves are used first and then put on the gloves. thick, after that put marbles in each finger and 1 marble in the palm of the hand (pancreatic point),” he explained.

Various benefits of manual hand reflexology therapy for DM patients made from gloves and medium-sized marbles are the results of research studies.

Explanations related to this tool have also been carried out in various activities, including through the material titles Effect of SATASIMA (Manual Reflexology Gloves) and Diabetic Neuropathy Analysis Using Experimental Method Learning held by The Association of Indonesian Nurse Education Center ( AINEC) Association of Indonesian Nurses Education Institutions ( AIPNI) at El-Royale Hotel Bandung, 10-12 October 2019.

At this activity, Yesi also received the Best Oral Presentation at the 2019 AINEC Research Award International Conference by the 2019 AINEC AWARD RESEARCH .

"We also socialize research on this product to the community in the Rejosari Health Center Pekanbaru area. This invention belongs to the field of health technology, especially Nursing technology, which functions to help people with Diabetes Mellitus (diabetes) in improving blood circulation to the periphery (hands and fingers), stimulating and increasing hand sensitivity due to microvascular complications, namely neuropathy experienced by people with Diabetes Mellitus , " he closed. (wendi. photo: special) ***

Source: PR University of Riau
Source: PR University of Riau

Source: PR University of Riau
Source: PR University of Riau

Source: PR University of Riau
Source: PR University of Riau