This is the Chancellor's Performance Target for University Strengthening “The current policy of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia focuses on the development of Science (Iptek) and Higher Education (Dikti) through various aspects. These aspects include the fields of learning, curriculum, research, resources, as well as cyber university development and innovation. In the field of research, for example, universities are required to focus on programs to increase research productivity, the number of publications, both at Scopus and at SINTA ( Science and Technology Index )”.

This was conveyed by the Chancellor of the University of Riau (Unri) Prof. Dr. Ir Aras Mulyadi DEA when conveying Unri's strategic goals at the Development Plan Deliberation (Musrenbang) in front of all levels of university leadership, faculties, units and institutions at Unri, Tuesday (13/2) at Harmoni One Hotel and Convention Center Batam, Riau Islands.

"We have correlated the strategic goals of Unri with the policies of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, among the first targets is the availability of quality study programs at all educational levels and meeting the demands of the user community by utilizing unique potential. Second , the creation of Good University Govermance -based governance to achieve a dignified University of Riau. The third target is the creation of interests, talents and abilities of students based on science and technology development. And the fourth target is the availability of excellent planning, cooperation and information systems,” explained the Chancellor.


Source: PR University of Riau

On the target to create a quality study program, it has performance indicators including increasing the accreditation of Study Programs (Prodi) at least B Accreditation, increasing the number of national and international publications, the number of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), the number of industrial prototypes, the number of research and development prototypes, and number of citations of scientific works.

“The percentage of accredited study programs at least B increased from 70 percent the previous year to 78 percent. International publications also experienced an increase from the previous year from 60 titles to 132 titles, and targeted in 2018 to 162 titles. The number of registered IPRs increased from 20 works to 70 works. Meanwhile, from the number of Scientific Work Citations, the realization in 2017 was 867 scientific works from the target of only 100 scientific works, "said Aras.

For the percentage of Unri Lecturers who have been integrated into the SINTA System, added the Chancellor, currently it is still low, only 35 percent of the total 1006 UNRI permanent lecturers. "The policy of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education encourages us to register with SINTA, a portal containing the measurement of the performance of Science and Technology which includes, among others, the performance of researchers, authors, journal performance, and institutional performance," he added.

Meanwhile, for the second target related to Good University Govermance -based governance, performance indicators include targeting Institutional Accreditation to rank A, increasing the percentage of certified educators, and the percentage of lecturers with doctoral qualifications, the number of lecturers with the position of Head Lecturer, the number of lecturers with the position of Professor, and opinion WTP assessment on financial statements.


Source: PR University of Riau

"For this accreditation, as was our joint commitment last year, where we have all been committed to supporting Riau University in obtaining accreditation in 2018. For that, we hope that all of us will support the Accreditation Team in preparing all the files needed," he hoped. .

In the third target of student affairs, performance indicators include the affirmation ratio which rose from 20 percent to 22.8 percent, the percentage of graduates certified in competency and profession increased from 3 percent to 3.9 percent, the percentage of graduates who immediately worked in their respective fields rose from 2, 5 percent to 3.9 percent, and the number of outstanding students rose to 700 percent.

Meanwhile, in the fourth target, in the areas of planning, cooperation and information systems, performance indicators include the ranking of national universities and the number of innovation products. "This is also the focus of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in encouraging universities to develop and apply technology and innovation, so that universities are required to carry out product innovation processes through incubation and industry-based learning," the Chancellor added.

"With the 2017 performance evaluation, we can determine steps and policies so that all 2018 development program targets can be realized optimally, and we can design 2019 plans according to the targets we have previously achieved. (believer. photo: rizki)***