Cooperation visit to Universiti Utara Malaysia and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Generated Much Work Plans – Dalam rangka meningkatkan kerja sama internasional antara Universitas Riau dengan universitas yang ada di luar negeri, Kantor Internasional melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) dan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Ini merupakan kunjungan kerja menindaklanjuti kerjasama yang pernah ada antara Universitas Riau dengan kedua Universitas.

Kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan selama lima hari dari 15-19 Desember 2014, diwakili oleh beberapa delegasi dari Universitas Riau, termasuk Prof Dr Zulkarnain SE MM Direktur Pasca Sarjana UR, Prof Dr Amir Awaluddin M.Sc Ketua Kantor Urusan Internasional (KUI) UR dan Prof Dr Zulkarnaini M.Si Ketua Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat.

Pada kunjungan dihari pertama dimulai dengan mengunjungi Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) pada 16-17 Desember 2014.  Pada acara tersebut, pihak UUM diketuai oleh Naib Cancelor dan dihadiri oleh Dekan Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Perbankan, dan Dekan Sekolah Pemerintahan, Prof Hijatullah Abdul Jabbar Direktur Pusat Urusan Internasional dan Kerjasama, Dr Oemar Hamdan, yang merupakan Koordinator Hubungan Malaysia-Indonesia.

UUM sebenarnya telah melakukan kunjungan kerja pertama ke Universitas Riau di bulan Oktober 2014 yang menghasilkan MoU antara kedua universitas. Kerjasama yang ada akan diikuti oleh Universitas Riau melalui kunjungan ini. Universitas Riau melalui Ketua KUI UR dalam kunjungan tersebut menjelaskan tentang profil UR, dilanjutkan oleh Direktur Pascasarjana dan yang terakhir oleh Ketua LPM UR tentang KKN Kebangsaan dan berbagai kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh LPM UR. Di sisi lain, UUM melalui dekan Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial juga menyajikan tentang profil universitas mereka.

Kunjungan UR ke UTM kiri ke kanan Prof Dr Zulkarnaini Prof Dr Amir Awaluddin Prof Dr Zulkarnain Prof Hadi Nur Prof Madya Dr Hamdan Said and Prof Madya Dr Ishak Mad Shah foto KUI UR

Perwakilan UR dan UUM berfoto bersama foto KUI UR

Tiga Universitas Hasilkan Banyak Rencana Masa Depan:

Ada banyak hal yang dihasilkan dari kunjungan tersebut, yaitu mobilitas staf dan mobilitas siswa dari UUM ke UR atau sebaliknya, kolaborasi dalam KKN Kebangsaan antara UUM dan UR, rencana kerjasama dalam publikasi Jurnal Internasional, merencanakan untuk mengadakan Seminar Internasional, rencana kerjasama dalam transfer Kredit, rencana pembukaan S3 Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik serta S3 Fakultas Ekonomi.

Ketua KUI menegaskan bahwa selain kunjungan tersebut, UUM akan membuat kunjungan lagi kembali ke Universitas Riau yang akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2015. “Ada beberapa hal yang telah disepakati untuk kunjungan kerja UUM ke UR, dimana ada beberapa hal yang telah kita sepakati bersama untuk dilaksanakan seperti MoU oleh kedua belah pihak, pelaksanaan Kuliah Umum oleh Prof Omar Hamdan (UUM) di Fakultas Hukum bagi dosen dan mahasiswa serta pelaksanaan Kuliah umum oleh Prof Ahmad Basawir (UUM) di Pascasarjana” kata Amir Awaluddin.

Pada 18 Desember 2014 kunjungan kerja dilaksanakan di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), yang menghasilkan beberapa kerjasama antar rencana kemitraan antara UR dan UTM tentang kebakaran hutan dan isu-isu tentang alam di perbatasan antara Riau dengan Malaysia yang akan digelar di Riau pada bulan Agustus-September 2015. Acara tersebut juga melibatkan beberapa perguruan tinggi di Sumatera. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini akan memberikan kesadaran yang tinggi kepada masyarakat dan juga dapat meningkatkan hubungan antara Malaysia – Indonesia. Selain itu, rencana pelaksanaan KKN Kebangsaan antara UTM dan UR, kerja sama di bidang penelitian bagi para dosen dan peneliti di UR dan UTM, mobilitas mahasiswa UTM untuk UR dan juga rencana kerjasama dalam KKN Kebangsaan dan Transfer Kredit.

Diskusi antara pihak UR and UUM foto KUI UR


Kunjungan balasan juga akan dilakukan kembali oleh UTM ke UR pada bulan Januari 2015. Rencananya akan melakukan beberapa hal, termasuk tindak lanjut rencana MOU antara UTM dan UR, pelaksanaan kuliah umum oleh Prof Hadi Nur (UTM) di Fakultas Teknik bagi dosen dan mahasiswa serta diskusi tentang rencana kerjasama antara UR – UTM tentang kebakaran hutan dan isu-isu alam sekitar di perbatasan antara Malaysia – Riau yang akan digelar pada Agustus – September 2015.

Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kerjasama yang ada antara UR dengan UUM dan UTM dan aksi nyata yang telah dibahas antara UR, UUM dan UTM.*** (Hizra-Puskom / KUI UR) – In order to improve international cooperation between the University of Riau with existing university abroad, International Office was visited Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).  It was the follow up on the cooperation that has ever existed between the University of Riau with both University.

The activity was held for five days from December 15-19th 2014, represented by several delegates from the University of Riau, including Prof Dr Zulkarnain SE MM the Director of UR Graduated, Prof Dr Amir Awaluddin M.Sc the Chairman of International Office of UR and Prof. Dr. Zulkarnaini M.Si the Chairman of Community Development Center.

On the first day started by visiting to the Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) on December 16-17th 2014. It was attended by Naib Cancelor and attended by the Dean of Economic, Finance and Banking, and Dean of the School of Government, Prof Hijatullah Abdul Jabbar the Director of the Centre of International Affairs and Cooperation, Dr Oemar Hamdan, who is the Coordinator for Malaysia-Indonesia Relations.

This activity already started by UUM to University of Riau in October 2014 which resulted the MoU between both universities. Existing cooperation will be followed by the University of Riau through this visitation. Also, University of Riau by the Chairman of KUI UR was explained about the profile of UR, continued by the Director of Under Graduate and the last by Chairman of the Community Development Center (LPM) UR about Community Services and the various activities undertaken by the LPM UR. In other hand, UUM by the deans of Economyc and Social Sciences was also presented about their university profile.

UR delegation visit to UTM left to right Prof Dr Zulkarnaini Prof Dr Amir Awaluddin Prof Dr Zulkarnain Prof Hadi Nur Prof Madya Dr Hamdan Said and Prof Madya Dr Ishak Mad Shah photo KUI UR

UR delegation and UUM took a picture photo KUI UR

Three Universities Generated Many Future Plans:

There were many things that resulted from the visitation, i.e. the staff mobility and student mobility from UUM to UR or otherwise, collaboration in Community Services between UUM and UR, the plan of cooperation in the publication of the collaborated International Journal, plan to hold the International Seminar, a plan of cooperation in the Joint Degree and Credit Transfer, the launch of Doctoral with the Faculty of Social and Political Science as well as Doctoral in Faculty of Economics.

Chairman of UR KUI asserted that in addition to those visitation, the UUM will make another return visit to the University of Riau that will be implemented in January 2015. “There are some things that have been agreed to visit the UUM to UR, which is to follow the existing cooperation plan the MoU agreed by both parties and the implementation Public Lecture by Prof Omar Hamdan (UUM) at the Faculty of Law for lecturers and students as well as the implementation of the public Lecture by Prof Ahmad Basawir (UUM) in the Graduated of International Business ” said Amir Awaluddin.

On December 18, 2014 the visitation went to the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), which resulted in some cooperation among the partnership plan between UR and UTM about forest fire and issues about nature at the border between Riau with Malaysia which will held in Riau in August-September 2015.  That event also involves several universities in Sumatera. The implementation of these activities will provide a heightened awareness to the public and can also improve relations between Malaysia – Indonesia. Furthermore, the implementation plan of Community Services between UTM and UR, joint cooperation in the field of research for professors and researchers in the UR and UTM, student mobility of UTM to UR and also a plan of cooperation in the Joint Degree and Credit Transfer.

Disscussion between UR and UUM photo KUI UR

The visit will also be carried back by the UTM to UR in January of 2015. It will do several things, including follow-up plan MOU between UTM and UR, the implementation of a public lecture by Prof Hadi Nur (UTM) in the Faculty of Engineering for lecturers and students as well as disscuss about cooperation plan between UR – UTM about forest fire and issues surrounding nature at the border between Malaysia – Riau which will be held in August – September 2015.

This activity is expected to improve the existing cooperation between the UR with UUM and UTM and make real actionof the programs of cooperation that has been discussed between UR, UUM and UTM. *** (Hizra-Puskom / KUI UR)