PKM 5 Fields of Scientific Development and Experience Improvement for Students "Hopefully the work that has been produced by these students can be useful for themselves and also be useful for others." This is the hope of the Rector of the University of Riau (UR) Prof. Dr. Ir Aras Mulyadi DEA when giving a speech at a meeting of the Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) team and participants in the framework of the Monitoring and Evaluation of the 5 Fields Student Creativity Program (PKM) that passed the funding from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Education. College (Kemenristekdikti) 2017, Wednesday (12/7) in the UR Rectorate Multipurpose Hall.

The Chancellor of the University of Riau Prof Dr Ir Aras Mulyadi DEA gave a speech
The Chancellor of the University of Riau Prof. Dr. Ir Aras Mulyadi DEA gave a speech (Source: HUMAS University of Riau)

“As leaders, we really appreciate UR students because there is an increase in the number of submissions for proposal titles that pass funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. The previous year, UR sent 52 titles, and alhamdulillah in 2017, UR sent 92 scientific papers. This is an achievement that we should all appreciate together. Hopefully, the work that has been made by these students can be useful for the wider community in the future,” hoped the Chancellor.

The Chancellor of UR, added that it would be better if the scientific works that had been produced by these students in the future could be registered with the Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI). There are scientific works that are discoveries, so students who find this work need to get legal force for the work they have made.

This year's PKM 5 field monitoring and evaluation carried out by the Directorate of Student Affairs at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education was carried out on 12 universities that participated in this 5 Field PKM activity in Riau Province. This year, UR participated in as many as 92 scientific papers, Pasir Pangaraian University 3 titles, Muhammadiyah Riau University 4 titles, Lancang Kuning University 2 titles, Riau Islamic University 1 title, Abdurab University 3 titles, STIK Pahlawan Tuanku Tanbusai 1 title, Pekanbaru College of Technology 1 title, Hang Tuah College of Health 1 title, Bengkalis State Polytechnic 8 titles, Caltex Polytechnic 1 title, and Pekanbaru Health Analysis Academy 1 title.

Dr Med dr Indwiani Astuti, one of the PKM reviewers from the Directorate of Student Affairs at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education

Dr Med dr Indwiani Astuti, one of the PKM reviewers from the Directorate of Student Affairs at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Source: PR, University of Riau)

5 Bidang program dalam PKM ini, yaitu PKM-Penelitian (PKMP), PKM-Penerapan Teknologi (PKM-T), PKM-Kewirausahaan (PKM-K), PKM-Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM-M) dan PKM-Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah (PKM-I). PKM 5 Bidang ini merupakan upaya pemerintah dalam memfasilitasi potensi yang dimiliki mahasiswa Indonesia untuk mengkaji, mengembangkan, dan menerapkan ilmu dan teknologi yang telah dipelajarinya di perkuliahan kepada masyarakat luas.

Dr Med dr Indwiani Astuti, one of the PKM reviewers from the Directorate of Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, said that the PKM 5 Fields participating students who attended the Monev at this time were selected students who had been funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to make scientific work proposals. Therefore, the government wants to train students to learn responsibly in implementing the scientific fields obtained in lectures and gain education and experience in using state budgets.

“Students present today are selected students, because they have successfully competed for funds for PKM from thousands of proposals submitted to the Directorate of Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Because this PKM proposal uses the state budget, today students are asked to present their scientific work as a form of responsibility for using the state budget,” he explained.

Photo with the Chancellor and the UR Leaders and Reviewers Monitoring and Evaluation of PKM 5 FieldsPhoto with the Chancellor and the UR Leadership and Reviewers Monitoring and Evaluation of PKM in 5 Fields (Source: HUMAS University of Riau)

In this Monev, the Gadjah Mada University Lecturer continued, an assessment of the work presented by this student was also carried out. The assessment is carried out by an external assessment team from the Directorate General of Belmawa Kemenristekdikti, and an internal team of assessors proposed by the Monev host university. The results of this assessment will later be contested in the National Student Scientific Week (Pimnas) in August 2017 in Makassar City. (believer)***