Thicken "Togetherness and Cohesiveness" of the Riau University's Big Family "Let's continue to be consistent in realizing the vision and mission of the University of Riau (UR) in carrying out the mandate of Higher Education, through the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely in the fields of Teaching, Research and Community Service," said the Rector of the University of Riau Prof. Dr. Ir Aras Mulyadi DEA as the Advisor for the 17 Days Ceremony in December 2017.


Source: PR University of Riau

To realize the vision and mission of the University of Riau, continued the Chancellor, all units, units, and institutions at the University of Riau in order to immediately implement the work program that we have designed together, to be completed immediately. "Through this moment, as I invite all of us to immediately implement and complete the activity plans that have been set as well as possible, in order to achieve the predetermined targets. We do this so that every work we do can run systematically, and smoothly in accordance with our common expectations,” said the Chancellor.

In the context of closing the 55th UR Milad which was held on December 16, 2017, the Chancellor said that he would hand over certificates of appreciation to the winners of the competitions held in the context of the Anniversary. "At the Closing Ceremony of the 55th UR Milad, with the theme "Kenduri Milad" a meal was held with the entire UR family and orphans, served with buffalo meat," explained Aras.


Source: PR University of Riau


Source: PR University of Riau

Therefore, after the 17 Days Ceremony in December, the Chancellor together with the UR academic community witnessed the slaughter of Buffalo animals which would be presented at the closing of the 55th UR Milad with the theme "Milad Festival". "Through the Kenduri Milad theme, we hope to strengthen the sense of togetherness and cohesiveness for the entire UR family in facing preparations to welcome the UR A accreditation in 2018," explained the Professor of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. (wendi. photo: rizki) ***