Environmental Science Study Program Doctoral Program

The Doctoral Program in Environmental Sciences at the Postgraduate Program at the University of Riau is designed to meet the need for the importance of developing natural resources and the environment, especially wetland ecosystems as a source of life for the needs of the scientific community and the general public and for new economic growth in the future. Environmental problems lately have continued to increase and even environmental problems have become global because there is no control and control in the management of natural resources and the environment and wetland ecosystems so that forest and peat fires certainly require human resources who have knowledge and skills in the field of natural resource management. and the Environment. To answer this challenge, the Environmental Science Doctoral Program feels the need to improve the quality and quantity of graduates of the Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program at the University of Riau who are respected by the community, are able to develop careers professionally and are able to synergize in the field of environmental science and are able to solve actual environmental problems in the field of environmental science. at the moment. The Environmental Science Doctoral Program in providing education is based on the Dikti Ministry of National Education permit Number: 160/D/O/2010, dated November 4, 2010, and has been Accredited B with NO: 0550/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/V/2016. This program is carried out with a semester credit unit load of 42 credits, namely courses taken with 24 credits and the completion of a dissertation of 18 credits, and must take Marticulation at the beginning of the semester with 3 basic courses (non credits).

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Further information

Doctoral Program Environmental Science Study Program website click


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