Unri Ready to Support Acceleration of One Map Policy Implementation

unri .ac.id In order to follow up on Presidential Regulation Number 9 of 2016 concerning the acceleration of the implementation of the one map policy, the letter from the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia regarding the preparation of infrastructure and networks for the one map policy for local governments and the letter from the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) regarding the establishment center for the development of geospatial information infrastructure, the University of Riau (Unri) carries out socialization activities with PIIG at the provincial and district levels in Riau.

Source: PR University of Riau

Source: PR University of Riau

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Ir Saiful Bahri Msi, Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems at Unri, conveyed the one map policy issued through a presidential regulation on accelerating the implementation of the one map policy (KSP) at a map accuracy level of 1:50,000 scale. opens strategic opportunities to address land management problems in Indonesia.

Source: PR University of Riau

Source: PR University of Riau

Furthermore, based on the Presidential Decree, the one map policy is a strategic direction in the fulfillment of one map that refers to one geospatial reference, one standard, one basis, and one geoportal at a map accuracy level of 1:50,000 scale.

As an acceleration measure, in the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs concerning the preparation of infrastructure and networks for the one map policy for local governments, the World Resources Institute Indonesia (WRI) in collaboration with BIG provides technical support related to strengthening the implementation of the National Geospatial Information Network (JIGN) in accordance with the cooperation agreement between WRI Indonesia with BIG on strengthening the implementation of geospatial information networks in the provinces of Riau, South Sumatra, Papua and West Papua.

Geoprortal is one of the new phases of efforts to encourage data transparency in Indonesia in general and Riau Province in particular. However, unfortunately at the time of the launch of the geoportal, two of the three categories of success rates for the implementation of one map in Riau Province were still not met, namely the absence of a geospatial information infrastructure development center and the ratification of regulations on the sharing of spatial data, he added.

Clearly, the main objective of socializing the establishment of PPIIG at Unri and network nodes at the Kampar and Siak District levels is to understand and take an inventory of regional problems and needs related to conflict and geospatial management and resolution at the regional level.

Syaiful hopes that this activity will collect information on regional problems and needs related to the management and resolution of regional geospatial data conflicts, and the formation of communication and information networks between BIG, Unri, Riau Provincial Government, Siak and Kampar Regencies to encourage the one map policy. Also, the preparation of a Road Map for the development of PPIIG Unri and JIGD in Riau Province, Siak and Kampar Regencies.

The activity, which was held in the Rokan Meeting Room, Rectorate Building Floor IV, Bina Widya Unri Campus, Wednesday (13/2/2019), was attended by several competent speakers in their fields, namely from the Head of Institutional Development and Geospatial Information Network Node, Aris Arianto Skom MT, Secretary Riau Diskominfotik, Lilik Irianti BA, Head of Research and Development of Bapeda Siak, M Agung Afandi SSTP Msi, Head of Sub-Directorate for Communication and Informatics Development Kampar, Wiliandri Amigo ST Msi.

With the completion of this activity, PPIIG Unri has assisted in the implementation of a map policy for the Riau Province. In future plans, PPIIG Unri will continue to support the development of geoportal data and geospatial information and build a geoportal backup system for Riau Province. (wendi.foto:rabit) ***