Pulp and Paper Technology Study Program UNRI Produces Solutions and Experts in the Paper Industry

unri . ac.id The growth of the pulp and paper industry in Riau Province has placed Riau Province as one of the best paper producers in the world which has an important role in providing global paper needs. Riau University (UNRI) as a State University in Riau, has collaborated with various parties. Both with elements of government and with private parties.

Many roles and benefits have resulted from the cooperation. These collaborations include the Tanoto Foundation and PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) . UNRI collaborates with Tanoto Foundation and PT RAPP in giving birth to the Pulp and Paper Technology Study Program by the Minister of Research Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti).

Head of the Pulp and Paper Technology Diploma Three (D-III) Study Program, Evelyn ST MSc MEng PhD, when contacted by unrinews, Friday (8/5), conveyed that the presence of the Pulp and Paper Technology Study Program in addition to producing experts in the industrial sector paper , can also be a solution for the industrial world which often absorbs workers without the appropriate skills .

“The quality of competent human resources is an important asset that will determine the direction of the development of the pulp and paper industry in Indonesia, especially in Riau. Therefore, the Pulp and Paper Technology Study Program strives to continuously improve its quality, especially in the form of accreditation,” explained Evelyn.

“Along with the inauguration of the Pulp and Paper Technology D-III Study Program, Riau University through the accreditation team chaired by Prof Dr Edy Saputra MT on January 16, 2020 then submitted the complete accreditation file to BAN-PT. Thank God we have obtained an "Good" accreditation score as a new Study Program based on a decree numbered NUMBER: 2496/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PKP/Dipl-III/IV/2020," he said .

"The results of this accreditation prove that the D-III Pulp and Paper Technology Study Program has met the criteria of the accreditation assessment requirements which include vision, mission, goals and objectives, governance, governance and cooperation, students, Human Resources (HR), finance, facilities and infrastructure, education, research, community service, and the outcomes and achievements of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education," explained Evelyn.

The Pulp and Paper Technology Study Program has accepted two batches of students, 55 students in the 2018/2019 academic year and 55 students in the 2019/2020 academic year. This 2018/2019 class student is also planned to do an internship for nine months at PT RAPP from August 2020 to April 2021.

"Achieving this "Good" accreditation, it is hoped that the D-III Pulp and Paper Study Program of Unri, can improve the quality of education in Indonesia, through good lecture room facilities, research laboratories, meeting rooms, libraries and direct access to the pulp and paper industry as well as support educators from practitioners," he said. (wendi. photo: documentation) ***

Source: PR University of Riau
UNRI Pulp and Paper Technology Study Program Produces Solutions and Experts in the Paper Industry (Source: HUMAS University of Riau)

Source: PR University of Riau
UNRI Pulp and Paper Technology Study Program Produces Solutions and Experts in the Paper Industry (Source: HUMAS University of Riau)

Source: PR University of Riau
UNRI Pulp and Paper Technology Study Program Produces Solutions and Experts in the Paper Industry (Source: HUMAS University of Riau)

Source: PR University of Riau
Head of the D3 Pulp and Paper Technology Study Program (Source: PR, Riau University)