Prime, Postgraduate FISIP Apply GAFE Virtual Class Application – Since the implementation of the collaboration between Google Indonesia and the University of Riau through UR Information and Communication Technology (formerly known as Computer Center -ed) which was confirmed through the Commitment of Letter between UR and Google on 17 April 2014 and the Statement of Work ( SOW) on August 26, 2014, one of the programs that is still being implemented is the socialization and application of GAFE (Google Apps For Education) to lecturers throughout the University of Riau.

One of the GAFE applications that greatly facilitates lecturers in the teaching and learning process is Google Classroom. Where lecturers and students throughout UR who already have an official email account from GAFE can enjoy virtual class facilities.

In order to welcome, implement and more importantly to facilitate learning programs for students, the Postgraduate Department of Urban Sociology and Social Development Planning (PPS), since Saturday (14/3) has officially used the GAFE program, namely Google Classroom.

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the first PPS UR class using Google Classroom (photo: TIK UR)

“By using this program, students and lecturers are no longer bound by time and face-to-face meetings. Everything can be done at any time, and can be updated more accurately,” said Prof. Dr. H Ashaluddin Djalil MS, who is a Postgraduate lecturer in Urban Sociology and became the first FISIP lecturer to implement the UR and Google Indonesia collaboration application.

From the UR ICT data, it was found that only a handful of lecturers had actually implemented this application. “Only a few lecturers have actually implemented this application, one of them is Mr. Hilwan Yuda Teruna from FMIPA, Mr. Agus Ika from Engineering, Mr. Chairul Amsal from Fekon and most recently the former former UR Chancellor Prof. Ashaluddin Jalil from Fisip. In fact, if only all lecturers wanted and really used this application, it would be very helpful. Besides being free, there are also many conveniences, not only from the side of students but also from the lecturers." said one of the Google Champs for UR who is also a UR ICT staff.

Google Classroom mengusung Go-Green dan Paperless Class

One of the first classes at FISIP that uses Google Classroom is the Postgraduate Department of Urban Sociology and Social Development Planning (PPS), from field observations, the enthusiasm of master students in learning and using virtual classes is evident.

"I want a simple and accurate way, and we must take advantage of existing information technology for convenience," he explained. This makes it easier for both lecturers and students in the teaching and learning process.” said Ashaluddin Jalil who is the main lecturer of the class.

In the matriculation learning program activity, Ashaluddin who was accompanied by his assistant Hizra Marisa M.Si explained the advantages and disadvantages and explained the use of the Google Classroom program. Student attendance is made virtual and can be filled in via cellphone, lecture materials can also be downloaded, lectures and exams can also be carried out without using paper.

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In addition to post-class, Google Classroom is also applied in the Sociology S1 major (photo: TIK UR)

“Google through the application in GAFE understands that nowadays, every lecturer and student has a smartphone which is of course sophisticated, coupled with a WiFi connection on campus, it will greatly facilitate the lecture process. Even more interesting, the use of Google Classroom will help government programs to be more aware of the environment, so Go-Green and paperless classes are environmentally friendly. At least we reduce the use of paper, both for lectures and later thesis.” Hizra explained.

Related to this, a number of PPSb students welcomed the implementation of Google Classroom. "Very good and taking advantage of IT advancements, we students have a lot to learn and of course this must be supported by more adequate facilities such as a much faster internet network." said Hevi H Antoni, one of the students closing the interview.

Hopefully in the future, there will be many lecturers who will take advantage of this Google Classroom collaboration between UR and Google Indonesia. For lecturers who want to learn about GAFE Classroom, they can contact or come directly to UPT TIK UR.***(Hizra – TIK UR)