"Kanium Tea" Lowers Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels

unri.ac.id An unhealthy lifestyle can be caused by overeating, causing obesity and lack of physical activity. The increasing number of people with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) has resulted in high complications, both macrovascular complications of coronary heart disease, cerebral blood vessel disease or stroke , and peripheral and microvascular vascular disease.

According to Dr (C) Yesi Hasneli N SKp MNS Researchers and lecturers at the Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Riau University (UNRI), said the prevalence of DM is increasing every year in Indonesia. Lifestyle is the biggest cause of DM. It is estimated that 50 percent of people with DM have not been diagnosed in Indonesia. In addition, only two thirds of those diagnosed are undergoing both non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment, and only one third of those undergoing treatment are well controlled.

“In the city of Pekanbaru, DM sufferers are increasing every year. Data from the Health Services sector of the Pekanbaru City Health Office from January to December 2017 found that DM was ranked 3rd after ARI and hypertension from the top 10 visits to non-communicable disease cases at health centers throughout Pekanbaru City in 2017 with a total of 19,093 people. said Yesi, Wednesday (27/10/2021).

From this, DM complications can actually be prevented with optimal glycemic control. However, in Indonesia it has not been maximally achieved, DM complications begin with hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels) that exceed normal limits and result in complications. "If DM sufferers experience an increase in cholesterol, it will interfere with the work of insulin which functions to lower blood sugar levels in the blood," he said.

Yesi continued, DM requires intensive treatment to manage blood sugar levels. In addition to pharmacological therapy, nowadays people often combine pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, one of which is by consuming processed traditional plants.

Yesi, added that there are several traditional plants that can lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, namely coriander, cinnamon and palm sugar. Cinnamon with the Latin name Cinnammomum zeylanicum , which contains essential oils , safrole , cinnamaldehyde , eugenol , tannins , flavonoids , saponins and Methylhydroxy Chalcone Polymer (MHCP) which works like insulin and has an effect on lowering blood sugar levels.

" Coriandrum Sativum in this case contains antioxidants that play a role in lowering cholesterol levels, improving heart health, and lowering blood pressure," he said.

From this, Yesi as a researcher at UNRI conducted research and research that succeeded in making herbal teas named "Kanium Tea " (Kayu Manis Ketumbar Tea) in the form of sachets.

“From the results of this study, I gave it to patients with diabetes and hypercholesterolemia for 3 consecutive days. The results showed that on average, respondents in the experimental group experienced a decrease in blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels after consuming Kanium Tea for three days with a p value of 0.001 blood sugar levels and 0.012 cholesterol levels (α

The results of this study have also been granted a Patent with patent number S00202006258, and this product also has an Applied Readiness Level (TKT) 8 and Katsinov 3. This research has also been socialized in the Tri Dharma College activities in the form of Community Service activities.

Furthermore, the results of this research will be marketed so that the public can use it as a non-pharmacological drug to help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. "Hopefully the results of this study can be useful for people with Diabetes Mellitus and Hypercholesterolemia and are expected to prevent DM complications," he hoped. (wendi. ed: rion. photo: ist) ***

source: riau university public relations

source: riau university public relations

source: riau university public relations

source: riau university public relations

source: riau university public relations

source: riau university public relations

source: riau university public relations