Anticipating the Prevention and Spread of Covid-19, Unri takes this step The Chancellor of the University of Riau (Unri), Prof. Dr. Ir Aras Mulyadi DEA, instructed all leaders of the University, Faculties, Institutions, Units, Bodies within Unri to urge the entire academic community to raise awareness and take action prevention of the spread of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) in the Unri environment.

"Along with the information submitted by the World Health Organization which has declared Covid-19 a global pandemic, as well as following up on the Circular Letter of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2020 regarding the prevention of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) in Education Units, Unri took steps in responding to this situation and condition," said the Unri Chancellor, Sunday (15/2) at the Bina Widya Unri Campus.

The Chancellor of Unri after holding a joint meeting with elements of the leadership, mentioned the steps in preventing the development and spread of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) in the Unri environment, as stated in the Chancellor's Circular number 2/UN19/SE/2020 dated March 15, 2020 .

These steps are related to academic activities during the COVID-19 pandemic , which include 1) postponement of the March 2020 graduation ceremony which was originally scheduled for March 18-19 2020 to be postponed until the deadline to be determined later, 2) Diplomas of students who Graduating on 18-19 March 2020 can be taken at their respective faculties with applicable terms and conditions, 3) Face-to-face lectures are replaced with the Online method (On the Network) through Distance Learning (PJJ) using platforms such as: Google Class Room , Learning Management Other systems (LMS) that exist in each Study Program in the Faculty, or other social media until a time limit to be determined later.

Furthermore, 4) The implementation of practicum in laboratories, workshops, and the field is carried out with assignments and still paying attention to standard operational procedures for practicum lectures, 5) Field lectures (PKL) are suspended until a time limit will be determined later, 6) Implementation of final project guidance and final exams continue to be carried out on the platform determined by the respective faculty leaders, 7) All student activities are suspended until a time limit will be determined later.

Then, the steps related to anticipating the development of COVID-19 at Unri , which include 1) Appealing to all elements of leadership and the State Civil Apparatus (lecturers and education staff) and students not to travel within and outside the country, 2) Appealing to all elements of the leadership to limit guest visits from outside the University of Riau, especially from infected areas, 3) Calling on all elements of the leadership to be more active in socializing the application of clean and healthy living behavior among the academic community of Riau University.

Next 4) Instruct all elements of leadership to provide hand sanitizers in various places, such as classrooms, workspaces, and toilets, 5) ASN and students who are sick or suspected of having COVID-19 are not allowed to come to the campus environment, 6) Crisis Center Riau University COVID-19 is at the Unri Teaching Hospital via the call center hotline 085105603000. (redaksiunrinews. photo: doc) ***

Source: PR University of Riau
The Chancellor of the University of Riau chaired a meeting related to the prevention of COVID-19 at Unri (Source: PR, University of Riau)