Faculty of Social Science and Political Science

Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Program Sarjana 

Program Studi (prodi) Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Riau telah dibuka sejak tahun 2002, dan disahkan melalui SK Menteri Pendidikan Nasional No:3547/D/T/2003. Pada awalnya Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi yang berstatus sebagai program studi berada di bawah Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi, selanjutnya berdasarkan SK No:631/H19/AK/2010 status program studi berubah menjadi Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi pada Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Poltik Universitas Riau. Keberadaannya di Riau sangat dibutuhkan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang begitu pesat. Berdasarkan SK Rektor No:539/UN/AK/2011 tentang kurikulum, Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Fisip Universitasas Riau memiliki tiga konsentrasi (peminatan) yaitu Hubungan Masyarakat (Humas), Manajemen Komunikasi dan Media, serta Jurnalistik. Pada tahun 2014 Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau telah melalui proses visitasi dan memperoleh nilai akreditas B dari Badan Akreditas Nasional (BAN) sampai dengan sekarang.

Career Opportunities

Lulusan program studi ini dapat mengembangkan karier sebagai profesional di bidang komunikasi sesuai dengan bidang minatnya seperti reporter, redaktur, fotografer, kameramen, video journalist, praktisi public relations dan berbagai profesi lainnya.

Registration & Selection

New Student Admissions (PMB) University of Riau for the Undergraduate (S1) and Diploma (D3) programs are held through five selection patterns, namely: Computer Based Test (CBT), Report-Based Selection (Siber), Student Achievement Search (PSB), and Hafiz Search Qur'an (PHA), Search for Young Leaders (PPM), PMB Bersama.
Complete information about the requirements and procedures for the registration of the UNRI New Student Admissions selection pattern can be seen on the website

Estimated Study Fee

The study cost estimation table contains information on the estimated components of education costs with the following notes:
The minimum estimated cost is the calculation result of the lowest Catur Darma Fund value in the related study program plus the value of Tuition (Fixed and Variable) in that study program.
The estimated maximum cost is the calculation result of the highest Catur Darma Fund value in the related study program plus the value of Tuition (Fixed and Variable) in that study program.
The Catur Darma scores listed in the table do not apply to applicants who take the Cyber FK Mandiri and CBT From Home FK Mandiri selection paths.
Prediction of Non-Exact Study Period 3.5 years and Exact 4 years.
Tuition (Fixed and Variable) is paid annually and is paid in 4 installments.
For the Undergraduate Study Program (S1), the estimated tuition costs do not include the cost of KKN, Thesis, Pendadaran.
For Diploma Study Programs (D3), the estimated tuition costs do not include the costs of the Final Project, Admission, and PKL Report Presentation.
Especially for the Doctoral Education Undergraduate Study Program, the estimated tuition costs do not include the rates for KKN, Thesis, Pendadaran, and the Cost of the Clinical Education Stage.
The rates for KKN, Final Projects, Thesis, Admissions, and PKL Report Presentations will be calculated according to the rates set in the year of implementation.
The Chancellor's Regulation on New Student Study Fees for the 2021/2022 Academic Year can be downloaded at www

Global Mobility

Further information

Situs web Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Program Sarjana, klik


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